Author: Jazzy J
South Louisiana Weather Map
The purpose of this map is to help with analyzing the weather as it approaches from the West. The map is not completed at this time. More stations will be added. Additionally, I would like to incorporate data from the National Data Buoy service. Living on a coastal wetland, often weather data from the buoys…
Offshore Waters Forecast for the Gulf of Mexico
Offshore Waters Forecast for the Gulf of Mexico NWS National Hurricane Center Miami, FL 318 PM EST Mon Mar 1 2021 Offshore Waters Forecast for the Gulf of Mexico Seas given as significant wave height, which is the average height of the highest 1/3 of the waves. Individual waves may be more than twice the…
Key Messages: 1. Life-threatening storm surge and dangerous winds are expected within portions of the northern Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico during the next few hours. Now is the time to be in your storm shelter. 2. Heavy rainfall will affect portions of western Cuba and the northern Yucatan Peninsula through early Thursday. This rainfall could…
Interactive Maps for 2020 Atlantic Storm Delta
[insert page=’resources/atlantic-theater/2020-atlantic-storm-delta-interactive-maps’ display=’content’ public]