Category: Ida
7 pm Update
Expires:No;;684292 WTNT34 KNHC 272349 TCPAT4BULLETIN Hurricane Ida Intermediate Advisory Number 6A NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL092021 800 PM EDT Fri Aug 27 2021…IDA INLAND OVER PINAR DEL RIO CUBA… …FORECAST TO STRENGTHEN RAPIDLY THIS WEEKEND… SUMMARY OF 800 PM EDT…0000 UTC…INFORMATION ———————————————- LOCATION…22.4N 83.5W ABOUT 90 MI…145 KM SW OF HAVANA CUBA MAXIMUM…
2021 Ida – Interim Statement on Evacuations & Storm Strength (poss. strong Cat 4, 140 mph suss., 170 mph gusts.)
I’m bucking government guidance with this statement: Evacuating to the north-east is a horrible idea. North-west evacuation is far superior. The reason is two-fold: The NE quadrant of all storms are the most intense. Evacuating to Mississippi is putting you in the most dangerous part of the storm. The storm must obey the laws of…
2021 Ida – Now Projected Cat 3 – 8 am, Thursday, 26 Aug 2021
There is a lot of data needing to be digested in the creation of this report and more will be available as the storm progresses to the North-Central Gulf Coast. The upshot: Terrebonne Parish will likely be ground zero for the path of a Category 3 hurricane. The scientific discussions (link) and several models suggest…